Thursday Plantation Skincare | Aodour

Eric White invested in 1973, on a piece of land to cultivate Tea Tree Plantation in Whales and immediately started harvesting from Tea Tree plants. After four years of research, Eric started to experiment with the natural potions of tea tree oil-based products for skincare and health. The government soon permitted him to start a business focusing on his capabilities of finding incredible cures for skin problems from the tea tree.

For approximately four decades, the brand has been opening the eyes of people to the restorative influence of natural oils. Nowadays, Thursday Plantation Skincare offers an exclusive assortment and varieties of strength, health, beauty especially skincare products, all resulting from natural oils, to repair your skin to its healthiest.

From curing skin abrasions to reestablishing glowing, well-looking skin, the brand not only focuses on the health and the care of their customer's skin as well as their families.
Thursday Plantation Skincare product

At Thursday Plantation they trust in the purest power of the extracted potions and essence of plant oils to reinstate, protect your skin. That is the biggest reason the variety of their products does not consist of artificial parabens, sodium sulfate (SS), (SLES), or punitive cleansers like Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Medicated Gel for Acne. Their products are manufactured, verified and tested to a high standard and are perfect for the use of the whole family. You can order these products from online store.


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